Comprometidos con el Medio Ambiente

Copps Industries se ha mantenido firme en el logro de uno de sus principios fundamentales: ¡Buscar una mejor solución!

A lo largo de su vida corporativa, Copps siempre ha priorizado hacer lo correcto para sus clientes, sus empleados, su comunidad y el medio ambiente.

Ya sea, mediante la eliminación de todos los solventes inflamables y clorados de nuestra planta, la reformulación de productos principales para reemplazar ingredientes tóxicos conocidos o sospechosos, o mediante la mejora continua de nuestros empaques, ¡Copps siempre proveerá la mejor solución!.

Si bien, existen cantidad de empresas que suministran productos epoxi, Copps Industries se encuentra entre el selecto grupo de las que innovan para ofrecer y respaldar nuestra variedad de sistemas probados, económicos y formulados de manera única. Además, nos motiva el mejoramiento de nuestros productos desde el punto de vista ambiental, para lograr mayor seguridad industrial en cada lugar de trabajo. Nuestra experiencia en el diseño y desarrollo, aunada al conocimiento en el área están respaldadas por nuestro compromiso de brindar a nuestros clientes la solución epoxi industrial más práctica y consistente disponible en el mercado.

● Cronología de la visión del fundador
● Compromiso con la calidad. Compromiso Ambiental
● Agregado y minería: respaldo de trituradora
● Productos de resistencia al desgaste y mantenimiento
● Nuevos productos ecológicos

SBTi: Gases de Efecto Invernadero y Compromiso Ambiental.
En Copps Industries, nos tomamos en serio nuestro compromiso con el medio ambiente, nuestra comunidad y nuestros clientes. La iniciativa de Objetivos Basados en Ciencia o Science Based Targets iniative en inglés (SBTi), ofrece a las empresas una hoja de ruta clara para el crecimiento sostenible, al determinar la cantidad y la velocidad de reducción de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. Obtenga más información sobre cómo nos comprometemos a reducir el cambio climático a través de la iniciativa de Objetivos Basados en Ciencia en nuestro nuevo blog.

La Evolución de Copps para un Epoxi más seguro.

Década de 1980: eliminamos el BGE (Butil Glicidil Éter) de todos nuestros productos (químico regulado. por la UE)

Década de 1990: desarrollamos formulaciones sin Nonilfenol (químico regulado por la UE – contaminante marino).

● DOT no corrosivo.
● No regulado.
● No corrosivo = facilita su transporte.
● Facilitación de Trámites de envío.
● Evíos fáciles por UPS/FedEx.
● Envíos aéreos aprobados.
● Costo de envío reducido: sin tarifas peligrosas.
● Menores costos de almacenamiento.

Reduce la cantidad de regulaciones de almacenamiento.

¡El futuro del epoxi más seguro está disponible hoy!

Confíe en Copps Industries para sus Soluciones Epoxi Personalizadas

Como una empresa certificada ISO 9001-2015, enfocada en suministrar epoxis de la más alta calidad y servicio al cliente, frente a una amplia gama de aplicaciones, somos la mejor opción para sus soluciones personalizadas epoxi. Todas nuestras resinas epoxi están formuladas y fabricadas en los EE. UU. y estamos comprometidos a priorizar soluciones respetuosas con el medio ambiente, para ampliar el futuro de las resinas epoxi ecológicas. Si desea obtener más información sobre nuestras capacidades y cómo podemos ayudarlo con sus necesidades de epoxi personalizadas, por favor solicite su cotización.

At Copps Industries, we formulate and implement epoxy solutions for our clients—not only for performance but also for long-term environmental awareness and sustainability. We’re committed to offering green products and protecting our employees and the planet with non-toxic materials and epoxy resins. Our chemists and engineering experts are constantly innovating our products and systems to be more efficient, more environmentally friendly, and a better fit for the evolving needs of the industries we serve. 

We have eliminated the use of chlorinated solvents and flammables from our facility, improved our packaging to minimize our carbon footprint, and reformulated our epoxies with alternatives to known or suspected toxic substances. Copps Industries strives to provide economical, practical solutions that don’t sacrifice our environmental commitments, and ensure we create safe workplaces for employees.

New Headquarters in Mequon

With our commitment to excellence and reliable product development, our company continues to grow. We are moving from our location at 10600 North Industrial Drive to a larger, state-of-the-art headquarters facility at 10500 North Commerce Street, just down the road and in the same Mequon, Wisconsin, business park. This new location on a 7.7-acre lot has the space and infrastructure to allow us to continue building on our current capabilities, serving our customers with increasingly diverse, fine-tuned, and environmentally conscious product solutions.

Today, we serve over 400 clients with more than 500 epoxy products. Along with these standard product offerings, we maintain a database of over 2,500 specialized product formulations. We offer formulations for custom applications and projects as well, along with private labeling services. With our new facility, we will continue to grow our business with improved production and cost efficiency, helping our clients find the unique epoxy product formulations to best suit their needs.

New Green Products

Copps Industries is proud to offer our new green product line with the reliable performance and quality you expect from Copps Industries while improving environmental friendliness and workplace safety.

New DOT Non-Corrosive Products From Copps

These new products are rated as non-corrosive by the Department of Transportation (DOT). Not only is this useful for the end application, but it simplifies the shipping process. The paperwork is easier, and the epoxies can be shipped through standard options like UPS, FedEx, and commercial air shipping without any non-standard shipping fees for hazardous products. In fact, these products are non-regulated.

As they’re rated as non-corrosive, these epoxy products don’t have to comply with non-standard material warehouse regulations and, therefore, can be stored with lower warehouse storage costs.

Crusher Backing Products

Our non-corrosive crusher backing products are free of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), butyl glycidyl ether (BGE), and nonyl phenol2. In this product line, we provide the following options:

Machinery Grout Products

Our machinery grout products lend applications high levels of strength and vibration control. Choose from three options for simple, speedy filling, or filling deeper gaps in foundations or around machinery bases. All of the following machinery grout options are non-corrosive:


Our general-purpose, 1-1 epoxy adhesives are non-corrosive, making them safer to package, transport, and store. They can effectively bond wood, metal, glass, fiberglass, plastic, concrete, and ceramic tile.

Wear-Resistant Products

Our new regular Armor Plate-Ceramic epoxy is a DOT-approved alternative to our standard option. This ceramic-filled epoxy system offers abrasion and corrosion resistance for high-wear applications.

Construction Products

We serve construction companies with non-corrosive epoxy products for superior adhesion. Our newest products provide a complete solution for repairing structural concrete while remaining VOC- and BGE-free. Customers can apply the following manually or by automatic injection:

Concrete Flooring Products

Our epoxy flooring products can help fill cracks, gaps, and holes to leave behind a smooth surface.

Copps Products: An Environmentally Friendly Choice

Choose Copps Industries for innovative, environmentally friendly solutions made in the USA. Our comprehensive product line of composite epoxy systems is applicable in hand-laminating, infusion, filament winding, pultrusion, and resin transfer molding (RTM) to offer our global customers the versatility they need. 

Our team is committed to quality as well as the environment. As an ISO-certified custom epoxy resin formulator, we strive to provide high-performance epoxy products and custom formulation options along with superior customer service and private labeling to fully support our customers. Contact us today to learn more about our new green product line and our commitment to the environment, or request a quote to start your order.

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Environmental Commitment

Copps Industries has been steadfast in pursuing one overriding guiding principle-to seek a better solution!

Throughout its corporate life, Copps has always sought to do the right thing, for its customers, for its employees, for its community, and for our environment.

Whether it be the removal of all flammables and chlorinated solvents from our plant, re-formulating core products to replace known or suspected toxic ingredients, or the continual upgrading of our packaging, Copps will find the better solution!

While there are a multitude of companies supplying epoxy products, Copps Industries is among a select group of innovators offering and supporting a wide range of proven, economical, uniquely formulated systems. In addition, we are driven to environmentally enhance our products for greater workplace safety. Our design and development experience and depth of knowledge are backed by our commitment to provide our customers with the most practical and most consistent industrial epoxy solution available.

SBTi: Greenhouse Gasses & Environmental Commitment

At Copps Industries, we take our commitment to the environment, our community, and our customers seriously. The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) offers companies a clear roadmap for sustainable growth by determining the amount and speed of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Learn more about how we’re committing to reducing climate change through the Science-Based Targets initiative in our new blog.

Copps Evolution of Safer Epoxy

The future of safer epoxy available today!