Archive: Jul 2024

Empowering Mining Excellence: Copps Wear-Resistant Products at Work

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Processing granite gravel in an open pit mining quarry with cone type rock crusher

In the demanding, rough-and-tumble world of mining, equipment durability and efficiency are critical to operational success. At Copps Industries, we understand the challenges mining professionals face, and we provide advanced wear-resistant products that enhance the longevity and performance of your essential mining equipment.

Here, we’re highlighting two key applications where our innovative K-038 ArmorPlate Ceramic FC has made a significant impact: Overflow Ball Mill Outlet Boxes and Hydro-Cyclone Launders.

Application #1: Overflow Ball Mill Outlet Box

The overflow ball mill box plays a crucial role in grinding operations and is designed to overflow and discharge materials from the trunnion on the outlet side. Typically combined with a mechanical classifier or wet-processing cyclone, this setup is used for fine grinding in closed circuits or special applications such as regrinding in open circuits. However, the highly abrasive nature of the ore often leads to rapid wear and tear of the outlet box lining.

The overflow mill has a discharge steel box that is usually rubber-lined or ceramic-lined to resist high abrasion. These rubber linings typically wear out within 3-6 months, leading to frequent maintenance and downtime. To address this issue, Copps Industries introduced K-038 ArmorPlate Ceramic FC to replace the rubber lining.

Here are the benefits of using K-038 ArmorPlate Ceramic FC:

  • Fast Cure Material: Minimizes equipment downtime by curing quickly.
  • On-Site Repairs: Allows repairs to be made without dismounting the equipment.
  • Easy Mixing and Application: Can be applied easily without specialized tools.
  • Versatile Application: The paste can be applied vertically without sagging, unlike some competitor products.
  • Superior Abrasion Resistance: With K-038, the anti-wear material lasts 9-12 months, effectively doubling equipment lifespan compared to rubber linings.

Application #2: Hydro-Cyclone Launders

Hydro-cyclones separate coarse materials from fine particles, operating through a vortex cone fed at the top by a pump. The launders are made of carbon steel and house a battery of three cyclones. The extreme abrasion in these launders necessitates the use of protective lining plates to prevent equipment damage.

Working with one customer, we saw these lining plates were coated with competitors’ ceramic beaded epoxy, which required up to two preventive maintenance schedules per year to keep the equipment running without failure. The downtime and maintenance frequency were significant challenges.

By introducing K-038 ArmorPlate Ceramic FC, we provided a solution that exceeded the customers’ expectations and reduced maintenance. Coating the lining plates with K-038 significantly improved the durability and abrasion resistance of the launders and reduced maintenance to just once a year.

Consider these advantages of K-038 for Hydro-Cyclone Launders:

  • Proprietary Formulation: Developed over 35 years to address the unique challenges of the mining industry.
  • Enhanced Performance: Outperforms competitors’ materials in both durability and abrasion resistance.
  • Reduced Downtime: Minimizes the frequency of maintenance, ensuring continuous operation.
  • Quick Cure Time: Allows for faster turnaround and less downtime during maintenance.

Wear-Resistant Products from Copps Industries

At Copps Industries, we’re proud to support the mining community with products that empower excellence and drive success. With the superior properties of K-038 ArmorPlate Ceramic FC, we’ve enabled mining operations to achieve greater efficiency, less downtime, and longer equipment life. 

Our line of wear-resistant products was specially formulated with the mining industry’s unique needs in mind, and our commitment to excellence ensures that we continue to meet the industry’s evolving needs. For more information on our wear-resistant solutions and how they can benefit your operations, contact us or request a quote today.

Empowering Collegiate Innovation and the Future of Engineering

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At Copps Industries, we believe in the power of innovation. It’s evident in our products and our commitment to nurturing the next generation of chemists, developers, and engineers. 

For years, we’ve taken steps to advance the industry by partnering with universities and research institutions across the nation. We’ve reaffirmed our dedication to student and industry development one project at a time.

Fostering Innovation Through Partnership

Supporting transformative projects at the collegiate level is one of our top priorities—and a strategic imperative. By partnering with institutions like Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the University of California—Berkeley, and others, we’re doing our part to revolutionize industry standards and practices.

These collaborations are about more than just research; they’re about making real-world impacts. For instance, we’ve worked with Oak Ridge National Laboratory on cutting-edge research to help make carbon fiber technologies more accessible for use in industries like automotive, wind energy, and infrastructure. And our partnership with UC Berkeley’s Formula SAE team showcases our commitment to students who embody the innovative spirit we strive to support. 

Copps Industries also closely partners with SAMPE, the Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering. SAMPE connects professionals in the field to exchange insights and ideas on new materials and processing technology and often supports student-led student projects and competitions. Members of the Copps team actively participate with SAMPE to facilitate industry connections and provide resources for research and development.

Copps’ Epoxy Resins in Collegiate Competitions

Our involvement with the UC Berkeley Formula SAE team has been particularly exciting. The Berkeley Formula Racing team is composed of a diverse group of students from various disciplines, including mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and business. This year, the team is developing a formula-style, single-seat race car from scratch, intended for the Formula SAE Electric competition at Michigan International Speedway in June.

Copps Industries has supported the team’s project by providing state-of-the-art epoxy resins essential for crafting key components of their race car. Advanced materials and processes play a crucial role in the Formula SAE competition. Our experts have worked closely with the students, advising them on the best resin systems and processes to optimize the performance and reliability of their car.

Impact Beyond the Lab

The support we provide to students extends beyond materials and advice. By investing in these future leaders, we’re helping to foster a culture of innovation they carry forward as they enter their careers. 

It’s a story we’ve seen play out many times over. One example is a former student from Knoxville, Tennessee, who, after collaborating with Copps Industries on a university project, went on to start his own company. His familiarity with Copps and our capabilities led to an ongoing collaboration that has continued to shape his business—and ours. 

This cycle of learning, innovating, and leading is what we’re all about—investing in the industry’s future and the bright minds that will lead it.

Looking Ahead: Powering Collegiate Innovation with Copps Industries

At Copps Industries, we’re committed to advancing innovation and education at all levels. Our contributions to student-led projects in automotive, aerospace, and other industries have fostered a culture of learning and a spirit of problem-solving that empowers students to transform classroom theories into tangible innovations.

As we look forward to the upcoming races and new projects in the pipeline, Copps Industries remains committed to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the products we create and the industries we help transform. Our work with these talented students is just one way that Copps Industries empowers innovation and leadership in engineering.